MAY 11th 2025
I don’t normally kick in with a graph - but as a Yoga and Pilates teacher this graph speaks for itself. This study was done by Sinaki and Mikkelson in 1984 - ( I was 11 and laying down bone like no tomorrow ) - and it shows that flexion - i.e. bending forward and down to tie your shoelace is an exercise that does not benefit a person with Osteoporosis or Osteopenia. You could read this graph to say lying on the couch is better than a flexion based practice or class. It also shows great results for bone density for a program with spinal extension - gentle spinal extension. This type of a practice is what you are going to learn on this course. We don’t want our clients to feel fear or anxiety, we want them to feel safe and be strong. Every exercise on this course does just that.
So with this information I feel this training is a must for every teacher of Yoga and Pilates. Being a qualified Iyengar Teacher and Teacher Trainer and a Pilates Teacher Trainer and with many years of teaching clients with Bone Density disease - I feel that this course will cover so much and keep your students safe and strong in your class and in their daily life. It will also cover safe functional movement for a person with bone density issues. Its alot more than just “keep your head down”.
For Yoga Teachers
Do I teach students with bone issues Paschimottonasana - absolutely Not - its deep spinal flexion - do I modify it - absolutely to concave back -which builds strong muscles on the back.
As I plan a yoga class that has students with Osteoporosis what am I looking to achieve - Number 1 - Strong Bones and Muscles - so all the standing work is great - but modification is so essential - so no wide legs - why? Osteoporosis hits the hips hard - thats why a DXA scan is on the hip and lumbar.
I am looking for plenty of gentle spinal extension - so yes to salabhasana and cobra preps, simple standing extension poses are also winners.
Gentle spinal extension is highly recommended for students with Osteoporosis
Do I load their wrists in down dog/ handstands - no - why? Wrists are also a huge site for osteoporosis. Do I offer wrist strengthening movements that are safe and effective - yes.
Do I let them rest in Child’s Pose - with a bolster and very relaxed - Why? Spinal Flexion as you can see in the graph is a no, however we do want to stretch the back muscles - the erector spinae come under alot of tension in Osteoporosis. So teaching childs pose with a bolster and cueing into relaxation and letting go is very important.
Do I wrap them in cotton wool and not let them do anything and put them off moving at all? No, I teach them how to mind themselves and make them feel secure and safe exercising. Getting a diagnosis of Osteoporosis is scary - the statistics of fractures are high. And the mortality rate after a hip break is also very high. Just google Osteoporosis and you will see.
Fractures in exercise classes and the gym are all too prevalent and I want you to be able to help students who really need to get stronger. If you don’t ask your over 50 year old students if they have osteoporosis, are not confident on what osteoporosis is, how to modify for it and how to teach functional movement to keep your students safe outside the studio - then this day long course is for you.
For Pilates Teachers
As you can see in the graph above flexion is a no no - meaning spinal flexion - so you have to modify a lot of moves for your students. This can be very daunting for a pilates teacher as there is a lot of flexion especially at level 1. You cannot be blasé about this with your students - understanding how to keep their spines safe is so important and will make you a better teacher.
Pilates Saw Move - a mega no no as its spinal flexion combined with a twist.
Above you see the Saw move - do I teach this to students with Osteoporosis ? No - its spinal flexion with a twist - mega no no’s . do I modify it - yes - flat back and a minor twist - so hand not to pinky but to inside of the leg. I don’t want to stop my students moving and getting stronger - I just need to work inside the limitation called Osteoporosis.
Do I teach - swan prep, side lying, shoulderbridge, knee folds - absolutely.
Do I teach - correct posture - definetly
Do I teach people how to put on their shoes differently - yes I do. And how to get up and down from the floor safely.
I also spend alot of time teaching the most important breathing practice for Osteoporosis.
Do I treat students who have done yoga or pilates for many years differently to students who have only begun yoga or pilates because they have been given a diagnosis of Osteoporosis or Osteopenia - absolutely.
If you are a pilates teacher and you are not asking your students who are over 50 if they have osteoporosis, if you don’t know exactly how to modify flexion poses and give alternatives, if you don’t know the correct posture for a student with osteoporosis and how to add weight appropriately , then this course will not just cover your ass - but it will give you 100% confidence to teach students with bone density issues and improve their bone density. Helping these clients to reverse their DXA scores every day.
Functional Movement
The difference between Healthy Bone and Bone with Osteoporosis
Just looking at these images reminds me every day how lucky we are to have modern science to be able to understand how important our bones are. We talk a lot about alignment in yoga and pilates but for the student with osteoporosis it is so important to keep the bones tracking as well as possible and working towards a great Centre of Gravity in their posture. To improve a students posture, in sitting and standing, to teach them more awareness about functional movement like tying their laces, gardening, picking up a bale of briquettes - building up their core so they are so stable their risk of falling is null. I feel these things are the real work of the yoga and pilates teacher.
Other Benefits of this Course
Besides understanding Osteoporosis, being able to modify exercises to reduce risk of fracture, understanding DXA scan results, teaching your students posture in sitting and standing, teaching your students better functional movement, improving students balance - you will also be able to teach students 1 on 1 with Osteoporosis thus increasing your teaching abilities to serve this very important and growing number of students. You can use all of these exercises for most classes - they aren’t easy.
Royal Osteoporosis Society
National Institute of Ageing
The course is on Sunday 11th May 2025
It is on at An Seomra Yoga in Galway City.
The course costs 300 euros
Certification requires you complete a home assignment related to the material in your manual. You also need a previous mat pilates or yoga certification.